Our History
From Songs with Meaning, Inc.
2024: Community Flicks becomes community liaison for FreshView Production's faith-based feature film, Stroke of Genius, now in development.
2023: SwM completes seven episodes of its SparkLights Audible Storyboard Anthology Project, a Community Flicks Production. It also began planning for Community Flicks' first Feature Film, Stroke of Genius.
2022: SwM launches Community Flicks and prepares for the release of its SparkLights Audible Storyboard Project.
2021: SwM opens its new headquarters in Camp Springs, Maryland. It launches both the Central Arts & Community Production Hub (CACPH) and prepares for the launch of its new trade name and initiative Community Flicks.
2020: Research begins for the launch of the Central Arts & Community Production Hub (CACPH). SwM begins its search for a new facility.
2019: SwM and the Stage Right Youth Performers produce new short films designed to teach Biblical life skills to young people all over the world.
2018: SwM premieres short films produced with the First Baptist Chuch of Marshal Heights and Stage Right Youth Performers and their parents. The films premiered at the Regal Kingstowne Theater in Alexandria Virginia. A great community outcome and success.
2017: SwM introduces filmmaking training and produces short film productions with Stage Right After School Program participants.
2014 - 2016: SwM partners with Stage Right a Before & After School Program. Through the new partnership, SwM provides Stage Right's youth participants the opportunity to perform in annual live productions, take piano lessons, and creative life skills training for a steady group of youth ages 5 through 12. SwM also provides artistic activities as part of Stage Right's summer camp.
2008 - 2014: SwM launches its first direct services program for Washington DC and Prince George's County Maryland Youth. The Teens Express program produces music videos, community performances, annual live showcases, studio recordings, and weekly life skills training.
2005 - 2007: SwM works in partnership with Edgewood Community Services in Prince George's County to serve youth, ages 10-16, residing at the Central Gardens Apartment Complex. The program produced its first DVD project, titled "Bad Choices Ruin Lives." The PSA (short version) can be seen on our video production page. The full-length version is provided as a gift to our supporters.
SwM also partners with FreshView Books. The publishing company released two of the orgs books titleed - Feelings Come & Go, based on SwM's 1999 Workshop, and What To Do When People Get on Your Nerves. Both books can be found on Amazon. All proceeds go to support SwM services.
2004 - 2005: SwM participants write and perform in a special original production. The production expresses the concerns and challenges of adolescence. The production was performed for the nonprofit organization C.O.P.E. Inc.
2003 - 2004: SwM provides another year of afterschool services for Tri-County's Youth Services. Its program takes place at the General Smallwood Middle School in Charles County, Maryland.
2002: SwM works in partnership with the Fishing School an after-school program for inner-city youth located in Washington, DC.
2001: As a partner with Guide Program's After School Activity Project, SwM served youth from four Montgomery County middle schools. The program's objective was to produce and perform one original production as a combined effort by student participants from each school. The production's title was TO BE or NOT TO BE. The play presented both its participants and audiences valuable life lessons regarding the power of our choices.
2000: Songs with Meaning (SwM) Executive Director and youth leaders provide its Think or Consequences and Feelings Come & Go youth workshops for seven (7) of Maryland's National Park and Planning Commission's Community Centers on behalf of their summer youth participants.
1998 - 2000: Our mission begins with workshops for educators for both private and public schools.