An Art for Growth Initiative - 52-2110385
Register Now to Become a Viewer for the feature film project, Stroke of Geniue.
Choose How You Wish To Be a Part of the Community
Community Flicks Viewers and Insiders make a difference and reap special community benefits.
Community Benefits
Community Viewers are the Life Blood of Our Initiative
Community Insiders are the Gas that keep us running
Becoming a Viewer is Absolutely FREE
Community Flicks Viewers are those committed to watching and sharing the films, media, and projects in production and produced by the initiative and its partners.
That's It! That's all it takes to make our initiative a success. With your commitment, our Viewers reap all of the following benefits:
Free Community Registration.
Receive Community announcements and updates about production progress, along with information on the many ways you can be a part.
First to receive notice of new film and content releases.
Community members can apply for the Community Flicks Program for young aspiring screenwriters, producers, and filmmakers.
Reserve tickets to the premiere of Community Flicks’ partnership film, STROKE OF GENIUS now in development.
Have the opportunity to fill volunteer film roles and positions not taken by Insiders.
Insiders contribute $25 or more to the
initiative or its Production Project(s) and are entitled to the following Benefits
Charitable Tax Deduction Benefits.
Free admission to Community Flicks Online Insider’s and Church Community Partner's Network for exclusive updates and announcements. The network is also set up for Insider sharing and exchanges.
Receive Community announcements and updates about production progress, along with information on the many ways you can be a part.
Reserved seats at Community Flicks and Art for Growth events (when seating is available).
Opportunities to help on movie sets with cast and crew.
First to receive casting calls before being released to the public.
Community Insiders are given priority in the selection of participants who apply for the Community Flicks Program for young aspiring screenwriters, producers, and filmmakers.
Second priority group to be considered for background and extra casting roles.
Receives notice of new film and content releases along with Church Community Partners.
Eligible for Community Awards and Special Recognition.
Can give input, recommendations and submit comments regarding many production decisions, i.e., log lines, locations, casting, etc.
Discount on Art for Growth’s Central Community Arts and Production Hub’s Meeting Space (seats up to 40 people).
Free admission to annual online workshops with film industry professionals.
Can reserve tickets to the premiere of Community Flicks’ first Feature Film, STROKE OF GENIUS, now in development.
NOTE: Insiders must renew their registration annually to maintain all Insider benefits.